Social literature

[B1] Good News of God. New Testament. Translated from Greek. World Bible Translation Center. Vienne 1989

[B2] Bible. Books of Holy Writ of Old and New Testament. Reprinted from Synod publication. Russian Biblical Society. M., 1994

[B3] Bible. "Zhizn s bogom" Publishers. Brussels 1989. Comments, pages 1847-2535

[1] Russian cosmism: Anthology of Philosophical Life . / Edited by S.G.Semenova, A.G.Gacheva // "Pedagogica-Press" 1993
1. V.S.Solovyov. Beauty in Nature.
2. N.F.Fedorov. Philosophy of Common Business (extracts)
3. N.A.Berdyaev. Man. Microcosm and Macrocosm. (extracts) Creative Work and Existence (extracts)
4. K.E.Tsiolkovsky. Monism of the Universe.
5. V.I.Vernadsky. Autotrophy of Mankind.
6. A.K.Maneev. Hypothesis of Biofield Formation as Substratum of Life and Psiche of Man.

[2] Leonid Leonov. The Pyramid. Novel-delusion in three parts . // "Nash Sovremennik" 1994 vv.1-3

[3] Rudolph Steiner. Mysteriology. // "Desot" M., 1993

[4] Rudolph Steiner. Works. v.1. //"Catalogue" Penza 1991

[5] Satprem. Sri Aurobindo or Travels of Conscious // "Aleteia" SPb., 1992

[6] Satprem. Mind of Cells. // "Ukrain Press" Kiev, 1992

[7] E.Samoilov. The Third Giant. // Publication of "Leader" magazine. Obninsk, 1992

[13] Friedrich Nietzsche. Works in two volumes. Compelled and eddited by K.A.Svasyan

[14] V.M.Meizersy. Philosophy and Neorethetorics // "Libid" Kiev, 1991

[15] Abram Terts. Works in two volumes.// Joint venture "Start" M., 1992

[16] V.V.Rozanov. Works.// "Republic" M., 1994-95
1. Among Artists
2. The Transient
3. In Dark Religious Rays
4. About Writing and Writers
5. Near Church Walls
6. In the World of Unclear and Undecided.

[19] Julius Evola. Heathenish Imperialism. // "Arctogea" M., 1994

[21] Jacques Bergier, Louis Pauvel. Morning of Magicians.
1. Summary by E.Patuev-Ivanov. // "Myth" M., 1991
2. Complete translation. // "Sofia" Kiev, 1994

[22] Shikhaboddin Yakhya Sokhravadi. Crimson Angel / Nice Angel v.2 33 - 44 // "Arctogea" M., 1996

[23] Burden of Angels. (Editorial article) / Nice angel v.2 1.2.0.. 5 - 8 // "Arctogea" M., 1996

[24] Vasily Goch. Reason and karma. // "Marina","Timoshka" SPb., 1995

[25] S.N.Lazarev. Diagnostics of karma. vv.1,2 // Academy of parapsychology SPb., 1995

[27] G.W.Hegel. Phenomenology of Spirit. / Works v.IV // M., 1959

[28] S.Lem. To General Theory of All. G.R.Gromov. Thirty Years After.// Microprocessor tools and systems N3 1988 pages 96

[29] Carlos Castaneda. Separate Reality.// "Myth" M., 1991

[30] Rene Guenon. Crisis of Modern World. / Addendum. A.Dugin. Prophet of the Golden Age, pages 115-158 // "Arctogea", M., 1991

[31] Television News 13.03.95

[32] Manley P.Hall. Encyclopedia of Mason, Hermetic, Cabbalistic and Rosencreutzer Symbolic Philosophy. // Novosibirsk, "Nauka", 1992

[33] Alexander Dugin. Collected articles Conservative Revolution. "Arctogea" M., 1994.
1. Holem and Jewish Metaphysics, pages 250-262

[34] Michal Gryzinski. Egzorcyzmy nad ciezka woda. Polityka N 10 (1714) 10.03.90 p. 8, Poland. Article on Prolongation of Investigation in Cold Thermonuclear Synthesis in the USA. V. also "Khimia i zhizn" magazine - on international conferences on problems of cold thermonuclear synthesis.

[35] Were Americans on the Moon? TV-6 channel, program "New York, New York", March 2, 1986.

[36] A.Dugin. Conspirology. // "Arctogea" M., 1993

[37] Rene Guenon. King of World. "Voprosy filosofii", N 3, 19... pages 97-133

[38] "Commersant-Daily", N 136, 1994.

[39] Arystoteles. On Soul. (Arystoteles. O duszy. PWN. Warszawa 1972. Translation, introduction, comments by Pawel Siwek.)

[40] Wladislaw Kopalinski. Slownik wyrazow obcych i zwrotow obcoenzycznych. WP Warszawa 1980.

[41] D.V.Zatonsky. Franz Kafka and Problems of Modernism. "Vyshaya shkola" M., 1972

[42] Speech of former commander of aviation Marshall Shaposhnikov before management of Aeroflot. TV-news, May 1996

Systembiblos (indexed T)

Stanislav Lem. Summa Technologia

[1] V.F.Dorfman. Evolution of Technologies, of New History of Time. What is Behind Nanoboundary. // "Znanie" 1990

[3] John von Neumann. Theory of Self-Reproducing Automatics. Completed and edited by A.Berks // "Mir" M., 1971

[4] Vielfach der Informationbegriffe / Weizlaff B. // Nac. Doc 1991, 42,N5,s 355 - 361 //Quoted "Polisemanticity of Information" Express-Information VINITI .!21 1992.

[5] Jean Piaget. Psychology of Intellect. /Jean Piaget. Selected Pedagogical Works. // International Pedagogical Academy M., 1984, pages 51 - 235

[6] S.Ya.Frenkel, I.M.Tsygelny, B.S.Kolupaev. Molecular Electronics // "Svit" Lvov, 1990

[7] V.V.Druzhinin, D.S.Kantorov. Systemotechnics. // "Radioi i svyaz" M., 1985

[8] E.N.Sokolov, G.G.Vaitkyavichus.

[9] Lectures of Turing Prize Winners 1966 - 1985 // "Mir" M., 1993
1. John McCarty. Community in Systems of AI. pages 299-312
2. Alan Newell, Herbert Simon. Informatics as an Empiric Investigation: Symbols and Search. pages 333-370

[10] I.Vinokurov, G.Gurtovoi. Psychotronic War.//Society for Studies of Mystries and Enigmae of the Earth "Mystery" M., 1993

[11] J.Carrery. Order and Disorder in the Structure of Matter //"Mir" M., 1985

[12] Readings in Knowledge Representation / Ed. Ronald J. Brachman Hectore J.Levesquue // Morgan Kaufman Publishers, Inc., San Mateo, California 1985

[13] John E. Laird, Poul S. Rosenbloom. The Research of Allen Newell // AI Magazine. Winter 1991 pp. 19-45

[14] Artificial Intelligence: Application in Chemistry. /Ed. by T.Pierce, B.Hony // "Mir" M., 1988

[15] Consciousness and Physical World. Issue 1. /ed. by A.E.Akimov "Yachtman Publishers"
1. Moskovsky A.V., Mirzalis I.V. Consciousness and Physical World, pages 8 - 35

[16] Manin Yu.I. Complex Geometry and Calibrating Fields. "Nauka" M., 1987

[17] S.Ya.Frenkel, I.M.Tsygelny, B.S.Kolupaev. Molecular Electronics // "Svit" Lvov, 1990

[18] CD-ROM "Jane's C3I Systems" edited by Jane's Information Group. Conception of the Defense Ministry of the USA. CD-ROM catalogue "Faxon Guide to CD-ROM 1993" N 422609

[19] Steel, G.L. Jr. Common Lisp: The Language. Digital Press, Bedford, Mass., 1990

[20] V.M.Glazov. Basis of Physical Chemistry. Manual for higher technical schools. //"Vysshaya shkola" M., 1981

[21] A Report to ARPA on Twenty-First Century Intelligent System / AAAI ed. B. Grosz a.a.// AI Magazine Fall 1994 pp. 10-20

[22] Hurbert L. Dreyfus. Response to my critics// Artifical Intelligence v80 N 1 1996 pp. 171-191

[23] H.A. Simon. Artificial Intelligence: an empirical science // Artificial Intelligence v. 77 n1 pp. 95-127

[24] Ludwig Wittgenstein. Philosophical Works. "Gnosis" M., 1994

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